TravelStore Receives Award in Excellence

Dec 13, 2019 Avatar  TravelStore

TravelStore was awarded Travel Management Company of the Year for 2020 in California by Acquisition International Magazine. The award was announced to TravelStore during the week of Dec. 8, 2019, and presented as part of the 2020 Global Excellence Awards.

“The Global Excellence Awards were designed to reward the very best, whether a single office firm or a multinational conglomerate,” Acquisition International wrote in its statement to TravelStore. “We want to reward the paragons, the exemplars – those that are succeeding in their endeavours, and are innovating, growing, and improving.”

AI Global Media, which owns Acquisition International, is a British publisher of online magazines. Acquisition International is its flagship magazine.

“Purely handpicked by AI,” the statement to TravelStore continued, “based on the comprehensive analysis and qualitative and quantitative research, we award on merit – not popularity – and recognise the very best in the business.”