Villa Vacations & Private Home Rentals

There’s a warmth and comfort in a home, villa or residence that you can’t get in a hotel. You might enjoy cooking your own meals together, or have them professionally prepared, if you prefer. After dinner, you might move out onto the terrace to enjoy a comfortable evening in the privacy of your own space. Villas afford you these comforts with an added bit of luxury and offer you a glimpse of life as a true local in places around the world. For families and friends, it’s about sharing and being together.

Feel 'at home' on vacation.

Whether you’re vacationing with the entire crew or just looking for extra space and privacy to vacation in style, rental homes and villas are a great option if you are looking for the authentic experience of “living” in some of the world’s best destinations. From homes in Italy to beach-front properties in the Caribbean, your accommodations can include chauffeurs, personal chefs, massage therapists and more.

Is it affordable?
People often envision a villa vacation as something only celebrities can afford, but that couldn't be further from the truth. On some vacations,  this can be a more economical option than a 5-star hotel. Our experts are anxious to find the best villa accommodations and home rentals that match your needs and budget to give you the best option.
Whose home is it?
There are many home rentals available online. Some are terrific and some are not. The only homes and villa vacations we offer are those that are properly managed. While we can't personally review each one, we work with several villa and home rental agents that have vetted their properties and can provide the services you require. That provides us a more limited, but a better quality choice. It helps to know we have leverage if anything is not alright.

Our travel experts

You're in better hands with a travel professional than on your own.

How we work
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Villa Destinations

Plan a villa vacation or home rental: