It’s Migration Time — Time to Book an East African Safari!

Jul 01, 2011 Avatar  TravelStore

You may have seen the National Geographic specials or seen pictures, but there’s absolutely nothing like witnessing firsthand the migration of some 3 million wildebeest and zebra as they move from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya in search of life-giving pasture.

It’s the best an East African safari offers. For many, the best safaris in Africa include bearing witness to this spectacular event. And following the herds are predators that feast along the way. Watching a hunt and a kill is a highlight of an African wildlife safari experience.

It’s nature at its rawest and most elemental. On my last visit, it was amazing to sit in a vehicle watching a herd of zebra, with lions using our vehicles as cover as they staked out and strategized their attack.

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