One Year From Now: Real ID Deadline

Oct 09, 2019 Avatar  TravelStore

If you’re an American who flies domestically without your passport, then Oct. 1, 2020, should matter to you. That’s the day that the Transportation Security Administration will only allow citizens with Real ID-compliant driver’s licenses, or a passport, to fly from one American location to another.

It’s an event that will disrupt your domestic travel plans if you are not prepared. In fact, according to the United States Travel Association, 57 percent of U.S. citizens don’t know about the deadline next October. 72 percent either don’t have a Real ID-compliant license or don’t know if their license is Real ID-compliant.

A Real ID-compliant license will have a star of some sort on its top half, and the idea was first discussed in 2005 in an effort to create tighter security among IDs issued by state governments. That’s why you can just use your passport when Oct. 1, 2020, comes around; a U.S. passport is issued by the State Department, which is a part of the federal government.

To learn more, consult our business blog on the topic or contact one of our travel advisors. Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security has a webpage to answer

FAQs on Real ID compliancy.