Genealogy Travel

Find your roots on an ancestry trip

For many,  it’s important  to find out more about where they’re from, to learn something more of their ancestry. Ancestry travel is about visiting one’s homeland and finding meaning in their lives, connecting with something that is exclusively theirs and can be personally enriching.

Discover your roots

Have you longed to make a pilgrimage to Europe to find the hometown of your great grandfather? Perhaps you’ve yearned to visit the cemetery where your ancestors are buried in New England? Maybe you would like to follow in the footsteps of your relatives who fought in Europe during the Wars? Chances are we can help you find those missing pieces and plan your trip as well.

We have tracked down many an errant ancestor and helped clients fulfill their dreams of a lifetime by arranging for them to make that special journey: driving into the very town your family left a century ago; seeing the villages your great grandfather trudged through during World War I…  Now all those bits and pieces you had heard growing up are before you.

Read about how one client discovered a bit of her heritage on a Japan trip.

Pocket Travel
We'll also provide you our Pocket Travel app so you'll have your itinerary and flights available on your smart phone or other devices, along with additional destination information and a way to stay in touch if needed.

Our Travel Experts

Ready to plan your ancestry trip? Contact us and let's get started finding your roots.

How we work
array(4) {
  string(6) "author"
  string(4) "rand"
  array(3) {
    string(3) "AND"
    array(3) {
      string(18) "exclude_from_feeds"
      string(1) "1"
      string(2) "!="
    array(3) {
      string(8) "interest"
      string(4) "LIKE"

Picks for Genealology Trips

Discover your roots